Saturday, August 22, 2020

Woman at work :: essays papers

Lady at work Ladies at Work In pilgrim America, ladies who earned their own living normally became needle workers or kept boardinghouses. Be that as it may, a few ladies worked in callings and employments accessible generally to men. There were ladies specialists, legal counselors, ministers, educators, scholars, and vocalists. By the mid nineteenth century, in any case, worthy occupations for working ladies were constrained to industrial facility work or local work. Ladies were rejected from the callings, with the exception of composing and educating. The clinical calling is a case of changed perspectives in the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years about what was viewed as appropriate work for ladies. Before the 1800s there were basically no clinical schools, and essentially any venturesome individual could rehearse medication. In reality, obstetrics was the area of ladies. Starting in the nineteenth century, the necessary instructive planning, especially for the act of medication, expanded. This would in general forestall numerous young ladies, who wedded early and bore numerous kids, from entering proficient vocations. Albeit home nursing was viewed as an appropriate female occupation, nursing in clinics was done solely by men. Explicit victimization ladies additionally started to show up. For instance, the American Medical Association, established in 1846, banned ladies from enrollment. Banned likewise from going to men's clinical universities, ladies took on their own for example, the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, which was built up in 1850. By the 1910s, in any case, ladies were going to many driving clinical schools, and in 1915 the American Medical Association started to concede ladies individuals. In 1890, ladies established around 5 percent of the absolute specialists in the United States. During the 1980s the extent was around 17 percent. Simultaneously the level of ladies specialists was around 19 percent in West Germany and 20 percent in France. In Israel, be that as it may, around 32 percent of the all out number of specialists and dental specialists were ladies. Ladies likewise had not enormously improved their status in different callings. In 1930 around 2 percent of every American legal counselor and judges were ladies in 1989, around 22 percent. In 1930 there were practically no ladies designs in the United States. In 1989 the extent of ladies engineers was just 7.5 percent. Interestingly, the instructing calling was an enormous field of work for ladies. In the late 1980s more than twice the same number of ladies as men instructed in basic and secondary schools. In advanced education, be that as it may, ladies held distinctly around 33% of the showing positions, moved in such fields as training, social help, home financial aspects, nursing, and library science. Lady at work :: articles papers Lady at work Ladies at Work In frontier America, ladies who earned their own living typically became needle workers or kept boardinghouses. In any case, a few ladies worked in callings and employments accessible for the most part to men. There were ladies specialists, legal counselors, evangelists, instructors, essayists, and artists. By the mid nineteenth century, in any case, satisfactory occupations for working ladies were constrained to production line work or local work. Ladies were rejected from the callings, with the exception of composing and educating. The clinical calling is a case of changed mentalities in the nineteenth and twentieth hundreds of years about what was viewed as reasonable work for ladies. Preceding the 1800s there were practically no clinical schools, and for all intents and purposes any venturesome individual could rehearse medication. In fact, obstetrics was the space of ladies. Starting in the nineteenth century, the necessary instructive readiness, especially for the act of medication, expanded. This would in general forestall numerous young ladies, who wedded early and bore numerous kids, from entering proficient vocations. Albeit home nursing was viewed as a legitimate female occupation, nursing in medical clinics was done solely by men. Explicit oppression ladies likewise started to show up. For instance, the American Medical Association, established in 1846, banned ladies from participation. Banned likewise from going to men's clinical schools, ladies tried out their own for example, the Female Medical College of Pennsylvania, which was set up in 1850. By the 1910s, notwithstanding, ladies were going to many driving clinical schools, and in 1915 the American Medical Association started to concede ladies individuals. In 1890, ladies comprised around 5 percent of the absolute specialists in the United States. During the 1980s the extent was around 17 percent. Simultaneously the level of ladies specialists was around 19 percent in West Germany and 20 percent in France. In Israel, be that as it may, around 32 percent of the complete number of specialists and dental specialists were ladies. Ladies likewise had not extraordinarily improved their status in different callings. In 1930 around 2 percent of every single American legal counselor and judges were ladies in 1989, around 22 percent. In 1930 there were practically no ladies designs in the United States. In 1989 the extent of ladies engineers was just 7.5 percent. Conversely, the training calling was a huge field of work for ladies. In the late 1980s more than twice the same number of ladies as men instructed in basic and secondary schools. In advanced education, nonetheless, ladies held uniquely around 33% of the showing positions, packed in such fields as training, social help, home financial aspects, nursing, and library science.

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

EMDR for Panic Attacks and Anxiety

EMDR for Panic Attacks and Anxiety Panic Disorder Treatment Print EMDR for Panic Attacks and Anxiety By Katharina Star, PhD facebook linkedin Katharina Star, PhD, is an expert on anxiety and panic disorder. Dr. Star is a professional counselor, and she is trained in creative art therapies and mindfulness. Learn about our editorial policy Katharina Star, PhD Medically reviewed by a board-certified physician Updated on September 17, 2019  asiseeit / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Treatment Symptoms Diagnosis Coping Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand How It Works The Eight Phases EMDR Stimulation How EMDR Treats Panic Disorder Getting EMDR Treatment View All Back To Top Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) is a type of psychotherapy that was developed by psychologist Francine Shapiro in 1987 to help people deal with and heal from experiences that have caused emotional trauma. Research on and use of this method has continued to grow, making EMDR an increasingly popular technique in treating mental health disorders. In fact, EMDR has become a more common treatment option for panic disorder. How It Works As a therapeutic approach, EMDR is based on several theories of psychotherapy, including concepts of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Through EMDR techniques, which use eye movements, hand tapping, and/or audio stimulation to unblock emotional processes that have been stagnant due to distress, you can reprogram your brain, in a sense, to begin to heal from the fear and pain associated with such trauma and emotional distress. Additionally, EMDR may allow you to gain a new perspective that can facilitate improved self-esteem and enhance your personal beliefs about your capabilities.?? The Eight Phases EMDR involves eight phases of treatment that focus on the past, the present, and the future, helping you work through emotional distress and trauma and learn skills to cope with current and future stress.?? Treatment may cause rapid relief from your symptoms and even has the potential to help you begin to feel better after the first session, although there is a great deal of variability in patients responses. The eight phases include: Phase 1: The first phase involves getting your complete history regarding painful memories, events, or experiences from your past, as well as your current stresses. You and the therapist then develop a treatment plan that targets specific memories or incidents. At first, this may be more focused on your childhood. If you have panic disorder, you may be asked details about your panic attacks such as when they started, what your worst one was like, and when you had your most recent one.Phase 2: In this phase, your therapist will help you learn some ways to deal with stress and anxiety, such as doing mental exercises.Phases 3 to 6: These phases are where hard work is usually done. First, your therapist will have you choose one of the targets youve determined in phase one; for instance, a particular memory. You then describe the visual picture you have in your head of that memory, as well as how it makes you feel, both physically and emotionally. You will also be asked to identify both a negative and a positive belief about yourself related to the mental picture. Youll rate both of these beliefs as to how true they are. At this point, the EMDR stimulation takes place (see below).Phase 7: This is the closure phase, in which youll discuss the positive steps youve made and how to keep them going on a daily basis.Phase 8: At this point, you and your therapist will talk about your progress, look at your treatment goals, and see how well the goals been met and if you need to work through other targets you identified in phase one or not. Youll also discuss ways to cope with current and future stress. EMDR Stimulation During an EMDR session for panic disorder in phases 3 to 6, your therapist will ask you to recall the chosen target memory or trauma, as discussed above. As you picture the target memory in your head, as well as the negative belief about yourself and the physical sensations you feel, your therapist will have you move your eyes from side to side. To help you focus on moving your eyes, your therapist will hold up his or her first three fingers and move them in a bilateral (two-sided) motion for your eyes to follow. Instead of eye movements, you may be asked to perform hand or finger tapping or to wear a set of headphones to listen to tones that alternate from your right ear to your left ear. You will continue to focus on the traumatic feelings or memories while you participate in these bilateral eye movements, taps, or tones. Once youre finished with the EMDR stimulation, your therapist will instruct you to clear your mind and discuss any insights, thoughts, memories, feelings, or images that came to mind. Depending on whether youre starting to feel positive physical sensations or youre still feeling negative ones, your therapist will work you through the stimulation again, but it will be different if youre feeling positive. This helps reinforce the positive sensations or thoughts. Repetition is the key until you are no longer experiencing distress from that memory or incident. When you arent experiencing distress related to a certain memory any longer, your therapist will have you decide if the positive belief you stated about yourself at the beginning is still what you would choose and, if not, how you want to change it. Youll also learn to apply and focus on this positive belief in the future when you find yourself in a distressing situation by installing it with eye movements. How EMDR Treats Panic Disorder EMDR is primarily used to overcome symptoms associated with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, EMDR has been found to effectively other mood and anxiety disorders, including depression, phobias, and panic disorder. EMDR may be particularly helpful in treating panic disorder, panic attacks, and agoraphobia when your past traumatic experiences are contributing to your current symptoms. One study published in 2017 compared the effectiveness of EMDR to CBT in treating the symptoms of panic disorder and improving patients quality of life determined that EMDR is just as effective as CBT.?? A 2017 review of published studies on how effective EMDR is for treating trauma-associated symptoms in people with psychosis, bipolar disorder, unipolar depression, anxiety disorders, substance use disorders, and chronic back pain found that EMDR does indeed improve these symptoms. The review also found evidence that EMDR may even help improve the other non-traumatic symptoms found in mood disorders and may be useful as an additional treatment for people who have chronic pain.?? When used in the treatment of panic disorder, your therapist may ask you to bring your attention to feared physical sensations or thoughts that are linked to your panic attacks. EMDR is meant to break any associations you have between certain circumstances and symptoms. Through EMDR, you may be able to learn to manage anticipatory anxiety related to panic attacks. For instance, if driving in a car often leads to anxiety and panic attacks, EMDR may be able to help you remain calm before driving and feel safer while youre on the road. Therapists who use EMDR often assign homework to help maintain progress between sessions. You may be asked to try a self-help technique that requires your imagination to envision a peaceful environment, such as visualization. Imagery desensitization may be practiced between sessions, allowing you to picture what it would be like to gradually face your fears. EMDR practitioners also often suggest keeping a daily journal that tracks your progress and the relaxation techniques you learn. Getting EMDR Treatment EMDR techniques are performed by trained professionals who are also qualified to treat panic disorder, such as psychologists or mental health counselors. If you are currently seeing a therapist who is not trained in EMDR, you can ask him or her to provide you with a referral. EMDR practitioners can also be found through online directories. EMDR is a complex and controversial technique. Its not totally clear how it works and its not effective for everyone. Your doctor or therapist will be able to help you determine if EMDR is the right treatment option for your particular needs. Get Help With the Best Online Therapy Programs

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Gay Marriage Right or Wrong - 2460 Words

Gay Marriage Right or Wrong There are so many ethical issues that are continuously debated and still there has been no resolution. Gay Marriage is an ethical issue that has been debated for years. This is an issue that I think that will continue to be debated as a clear answer as to why it is morally wrong has yet to be determined. For so long a deontological view has been applied to the subject. Those who are opposed to same sex marriage take on this view. I do not think that a deontological view will solve the issue of whether same sex marriage is right or wrong. However I do fee l that taking on a perspective brought to the issue by relativism will assist in giving an understanding of why it is important that we†¦show more content†¦And allowing gay marriage will only open the door to more broken homes. On the other hand when taking on a relativism perspective on can argue that children that are raised in same sex parent households are no different from those raised in a traditional household. Same sex marriage has not only been argued by those who oppose as only being a union between man and woman. Those opposed can also argue that marriage is not between two people (a man and woman) but of those not related. This brings in the argument of the what deontologists would support â€Å" The Slippery Slope† argument, which argues that allowing same sex marriage will only lead us down a slope that welcomes incest and polygamy. Those who support this also feel that if gay marriage is allowed that it would threaten the institution of marriage. I disagree with this argument. I feel that now days a person is going to do what they want. As long as there are two consenting adults then gay marriage should be allowed. Same sex couples want to be married for the same reasons as heterose xual couple. I do not feel that allowing gay marriage says hey you can now marry your brother or sister etc. Although it’s not talked about a lot there are a lot of people who practice polygamy. There are different cultures and countries where it is the norm to have more than one wife and it is perfectly fine. So I do not think this is a slippery slope. Taking a relativism approach when examining theShow MoreRelatedGay Marriage Right or Wrong3385 Words   |  14 PagesGay Marriage: Right or Wrong? Kristina Waltmire SOC 120 Introduction to Ethics Social Responsibility June 13, 2011 Dr. Eva M. Ananiewicz Ashford University Abstract This paper will give a look into the religious, social ethics, and rights of a gay couple wanting to get married. Gay marriage debates are very emotional and important to many people and there are many sides to every argument. 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Their right to pursue happiness with their significant other is taken from them by the stateRead MoreShould Gay Marriage Be Legal? Essay911 Words   |  4 PagesShould gay marriage be legal? Gay marriage should be legal because as woman and man, all individuals have the same right in society; because same-sex couples can constitute a good based family; because it is just a way to make official a common union nowadays, even with the religious issue; because it is not related to polygamy; and because love matters and it does not differ in nature according to the sex of its object or the person who experiences it. The first reason why same sex marriageRead MoreGay Marriage Should Be Legal1434 Words   |  6 PagesGay marriage has slowly become a significant factor amongst individuals of today’s society. On June 26, 2015, it was ruled out by the U.S. Supreme Court that gay marriage was now legal. The first thing that I thought was that â€Å"Wasn’t it already legal in the United States?† Well, apparently no it has not been legalized in the United States! (Dumb me.) The U.S. is known to be a nation of equality and gives everyone the freedom of the speech, but it is actually a nation full of racism, sexism, and homophobiasRead MoreEssay Gay Marriage Should Be Legal889 Words   |  4 PagesOn June 26, 2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Should gay marriages really be allowed? Has the Supreme Court ruled in error? Gay marriage should be legal because all individuals have the same right in society; because same-sex couples can constitute a good based family; because it is just a way to make official a common union nowadays, even with the religious issue; because it is not related to polygamy; and because loveRead MoreEssay about Gay Marriage Should be Legal Despite Being Immoral910 Words   |  4 Pages2015, the US Supreme Court ruled that the US Constitution guarantees the right for same-sex couples to marry. Many conservatives are completely against gay marriage and they have stated that they will fight to have the Supreme Court ruling overturned. There are a number of reasons opponents to gay marriage argue that the Supreme Court has made a huge mistake . First, certain religious interpretations maintain that gay marriage is sinful. Fortunately, our country is not a theocracy and public policy

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Surgical Technology Research Paper - 1163 Words

ST 115 Portfolio Surgical Technology June 20, 2013 Certification The field of surgical technology is home to a number of organizations and designations. This means that the people who work within the field are committed to making sure that surgical technology remains a great career choice. So as you consider becoming a surgical tech, it’s wise to understand the following points about surgical tech certification requirements. Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) In order to call yourself a Certified Surgical Technologist or CST, you will need to successfully pass the NBSTSA exam and maintain your certification status. The Certified Surgical Technologist (CST) designation (awarded by the NBTSA) must be renewed every†¦show more content†¦manager. Display a confident attitude and ask if there are any openings. State that you are a recent surgical tech graduate looking to break into the field. (Hospitals and other employers dont always advertise their job openings.) Be flexible. Many new surgical techs find great employment opportunities by being willing to relocate. Tech in Surgery-Certified (TS-C) The National Center for Competency Testing (NCCT) offers surgical tech certification, awarding the Tech in Surgery-Certified (TS-C) designation to those who pass its exam and meet certain education and/or experience requirements. The TS-C certification must be renewed every five years through either continuing education or reexamination. Licensure First Step is to graduate from a surgical technology program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation for Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP). Most of these programs take one to two years to complete. They combine classroom instruction in subjects such as anatomy, pharmacology and medical terminology with hands-on training in clinical settings. Second step is to take and pass the certification exam offered by the National Board of Surgical Technology and Surgical Assisting, which qualifies you as a Certified Surgical Technologist or CST. Third step is to find a job in surgical technology, in a hospital or other health-care facility. Gain as much hands-on experience as you can, assisting during aShow MoreRelatedThe Da Vinci Surgical System1411 Words   |  6 Pages The da Vinci Surgical System Have you ever wondered if it was possible for a robot to perform surgery? The da Vinci surgical machine makes this possible (1). The da Vinci surgical system is a successful way to perform robotic surgery. All around the world, surgeons use the machine to make surgery more precise. The invention of this system caused the medical world to scratch their heads in wonder of how great the system really is. 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Unfair Public School Funding Free Essays

string(65) " helps the students get to where they can be successful in life\." Eryka English 102 Research Paper Public School Funding: Closing the Education Gap In America we have spent billions of dollars on public school funding in hopes of educating the youth that will one day run the country. Without a solid foundation for the next generation to succeed, America will not be able to continue to improve and move forward. But if the education of our children is such an importance; why are we not giving every public school the right amount of funding to succeed? Just as there is an unequal opportunity in the work force; it also happens in the public school system. We will write a custom essay sample on Unfair Public School Funding or any similar topic only for you Order Now Schools that perform better are given more funding than schools that are not. Public school funding in America should not be determined by the academic achievement of a school, but should all receive the same amount of funding. Although many Americans would agree that the education of their children is a top priority, not many of them would know how funding is distributed throughout the country. It is the general idea that students do better in a well-funded school and that the public schools should all provide the same opportunity for every student to succeed. But if the belief is all public schools are the same then why are there private schools? And why do many parents decided to move and live in an area that as a great school system. There is no secret that some schools are better than others; it’s the point in which how the schools are able to become â€Å"better† than other public schools that’s the problem. Nearly half of the funding for public schools is provided from local taxes in the community the school is located in. Which means that funding for public schools varies across the country between the wealthy and poorer communities in America. At both the state and federal level there have been efforts to change the deficit the schools lack compared to others, but the idea has been taken negatively by the wealthy and powerful to choose how their school community functions. Others would argue that more money given to the schools will not improve the education of students; that individual success depends on the student and not the resources that are available to them. Such as Eric Hanushek, an academic reviewer wrote: â€Å"Detailed research spanning two decades and performance in many different educational settings provides strong onsistent evidence that expenditures are not systematically related to student achievement† (Hanushek 49) This claim has been a factor to the driving force that money can only go so far in a student’s educational life. But it has also been contradicted by academic researchers of public school funding by Rob Greenwald, Larry Hedges, and Richard Laine wrote: â€Å"school resources are systematically related to student achievement and that those relations are large [and] educationally important. (Greenwald et al. 384) With such a controversial topic, which one should we believe? How can we possible know for sure more money given to schools is the best option to improve the education our students receive from the government? And why should we change the way wealthy community schools are run when they are already successful in their academic achievements? How large is the difference in the amount of funding that each public school receives? Public school funding comes from federal state, and local sources, which nearly half of those funds are from local property taxes(National Center for Education Statistics). Because of the local property taxes from the community this is where the uneven funding for public schools start that makes a difference from the wealthy and impoverished communities. For example in 1998, New Jersey had an annual funding rate per student of $8,801, while Utah had a yearly rate of $3,804 per student(National Center for Education Statistics). Just from these numbers it shows that students from New Jersey where given twice the level of education than those students in Utah. While America funds its schools by the local wealth of the communities, we are the only country that does that. This type of funding system makes a huge difference in the quality of school building, faculty, equipment, class sizes, and technology resources for a student’s education. In other countries public schools are funded through state taxes and the communities. But what makes other countries educational system different than our own is each school gets the same amount of funding needed to run the school. As Robert Slavin a psychologist focusing on community and education said: â€Å"the U. S. is the only nation to fund elementary and secondary education based on local wealth. Other developed countries either equalize funding or provide extra funding for individuals or groups felt to need it. In the Netherlands, for example, national funding is provided to all schools based on the number of pupils enrolled, but for every guilder allocated to a middle-class Dutch child, 1. 25 guilders are allocated for a lower-class child and 1. 9 guilders for a minority child, exactly the opposite of the situation in the U. S. where lower-class and minority children typically receive less than middle-class white children. Slavin 520)† Poorer and minority students face more difficulties in their life as they are more prone to experience more difficulties in the family. But also these students are also forced to go to school at poorly funded schools. There is often commonly a language boundary that keeps many of the children from having a proper education in a school system. Teachers that are starting out in their educational career are sent to schools that are having a hard time developing their students into academic achievers. Schools in poorer communities are in need of more experienced teachers, but there is not enough money to recruit a quality teacher that has not already been recruited to teach at a higher paying and more academically achieving job and environment. Teachers are a learning tool that helps the students get to where they can be successful in life. You read "Unfair Public School Funding" in category "Papers" The quality of materials that students have available to them impact the way they learn and also the pace they learn. With little funding students are left to work without dated technology and second hand books. The effect of outdated technology can be an intimidation for a student to not continue onto college. Many students feel as though schools did not prepare them for an institution that has technology far beyond than what they know how to use. On the other side of the argument, students are given their own choice to either achieve or fail in their education. In other words, success and failure results from individual effort and not a group interaction of the student by the community the student lives in. Even if less funded schools are given more money; more than half of adults say that poverty is a personal problem (Smith). The community that the school was built into has already set the standard of the school. Depending on the community influences the child is more likely to follow into the footsteps of their parents. If the parents are mechanics and the child follows in their footsteps, does that make them a failure if the student does not go on to be a doctor or an over achiever? The effects of the community on a child can change the way education is viewed in the family and home. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, politician and sociologist, argues that minorities are disadvantaged because of the â€Å"social traditions† of the minority communities(). Which means that students have the ability to learn but the social culture in their communities hinder them to take their education seriously unless their family does. This belief that students come from impoverished homes lack the support system to benefit from a quality education drives the idea that there is no need for more funding. Even though there are outrageous numbers that can be easily equaled out for all students. America has focused on the idea to invest in the students that have a more promising future in the long run. Why would we waste money that will become a gamble, and we will not know if the outcome will be positive or not. The wealthy communities have been able to produce those students that have continued to succeed. The states believe that if they reward those schools that are producing results then it will give the other schools incentive to achieve to retrieve more money for the state. But how can a school be able to climb its way to the top if it’s stuck in the bottom, working with the resources that it already has. The biggest survey done on the relationship of the amount of funding and the impact of students’ education was called The Coleman Report. The report was a study that randomly selected thousands of students from all over the nation and tried to connect the issue of money and education. From the report it was linked that students’ home background and peer groups were a major part of achievement, but the quality of the school had little to no impact on their education. Which researchers wrote: â€Å"Schools bring little influence to near on a child’s achievement that is independent of his background and general social context† (Cain 325). Schools that are also well funded are able to get familiarized with the current technology that is popular in today’s life. From the advantage of having the practice with technology has already put themselves ahead of others who have not gotten the chance to learn that kind of technology. Students who are not able to access technology are behind to those who have and will lack in their technology skills in college. Being updated with the latest technology helps students want to continue in into college to learn more new things. The quality of materials that students have available to them impact the way they learn and also the pace they learn. With little funding students are left to work without dated technology and second hand books. The effect of outdated technology can be an intimidation for a student to not continue onto college. Many students feel as though schools did not prepare them for an institution that has technology far beyond than what they know how to use. Without confidence in the education that they have received, students are hesitant to ask for help and get the help that they need to succeed into a higher education level. If the materials the schools are using are outdated and not taken care of, then the students will also return the same respect to the books in the condition that they are in. Schools no longer become a place for opportunity, but a place where students are required to attend with old material, that will not get any better as the years go on. The quality of the materials the students are given the more respect and effort they will give to the course material. If American is able to provide the entire students with the equal opportunity to succeed then there would be more achievements in the nation, but also a higher achievement in the country. There needs to be more awareness of the effect that funding in public schools has on the students. Statistics in the nation vary from state to state, but with the same amount of material for each student. Most Americans say they support equal funding for public schools, but they are not willing to take the necessary steps to improve and provide equal funding for all the schools across the country. Some reasons why wealthy people and communities do not to anything about unequal funding is because of: not even admitting that there is a funding difference, to keep personal taxes low, and the thought that poverty is brought onto the person instead of trying to better themselves through their education. It is better to keep the money going to the schools that continue to have academic success with their students. Studies indicate that the level of student advantage within the home or community matters a lot to the outcome of the student’s education. But also that funding will help the student be more educated and motivated to go onto college. Greater one on one time with a teacher will help the student learn more material. Two main aspects that have been tied to higher levels of student achievement: stronger teacher qualifications, and smaller class sizes in the early grades. Getting the bases of an early education but also a quality education helps the student in the long run to adapt to the education system in a positive environment. The achievements of disadvantaged students in poorer communities are more likely to suffer America’s public school system because of two main reasons: those students are more likely to attend poorly funded schools, and they are more likely to be hurt by lack of academic resources when there is not enough funding that the school needs. Legal and political efforts to improve funding have not been very successful at the federal level, but a lot of activity has been present in the state courts and there is a realization to increase school funding. The future effects have increased in state funds for poorly-funded districts while leaving funding for rich, suburban districts up to the communities to continue with their educational support. We have concluded that well-funded schools are able to obtain higher educated teachers that continue to increase the school progression. In addition to better funded schools, schools are able to reduce the class sizes which will improve the students learning to be more focused and engaged in the classroom. Which is a huge advantage because a main problem in low funded schools, is that there is so many students in one room that a single teacher is not able to guarantee that that material is being understood from every student. Resources Cain, G. G. Watts, H. W. (1970). Problems in making policy inferences from the Coleman Report. American Sociological Review, 35(2), 228-242. Hanushek, E. A. (1989). The impact of differential expenditures on school performance. Educational Researcher, 18(4), 45-65. Kluegel, J. R. Smith, E. R. (1986). Beliefs about inequality: Americans’ view of what is and what ought to be. New York: Aldine de Gruyter. Greenwald, R. , Hedges, L. V. , ; Laine, R. D. (1996). The effect of school resources on school achievement. Review of Educational Research, 66(3), 361-396. Moynihan, D. P. (Ed. ). (1969). On understanding poverty: Perspectives from the social sciences. New York: Basic Books. National Center for Education Statistics (2000a). Common core of data for school years 1993/94 through 1997/98 (a compact disk). Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U. S. Department of Education. National Center for Education Statistics (2000b). The condition of education 2000. Washington, DC: Office of Educational Research and Improvement, U. S. Department of Education. Slavin, R. E. (1999). How can funding equity ensure enhanced achievement? Journal of Education How to cite Unfair Public School Funding, Papers

Friday, April 24, 2020

The Boldness Of Courage Essay Research Paper free essay sample

The Boldness Of Courage Essay, Research Paper ? You? re the Devil? s adult male! ? ( 118 ) , Mary Warren cried out when she accused John Proctor of working for the Satan. Courage is defined as mental or moral strength to face danger without fright. This is supported in Arthur Miller? s The Crucible. Throughout the Salem enchantress tests in the 1600? s, bravery was that good people held in to, even through the toughest times. To exemplify this, an illustration of person with bravery is John Proctor. Proctor is a husbandman with a married woman, Elizabeth, and three immature male childs. He softly suffers from guilt caused by an matter he had with a immature adult female named Abigail Williams. He is remorseful and solicitous in his married woman? s presence, and he yearns to recover her regard. John shows his bravery when he has to do a life and decease determination to lie and state that he is involved in witchery, which will forestall his executing, or to deny being a enchantress and be hanged. We will write a custom essay sample on The Boldness Of Courage Essay Research Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Proctor, after being questioned by Judge Danforth about being involved in witchery, stated that he was. Danforth was so holding Proctor mark a confession, but he argued with Danforth stating, ? I have confessed myself! Is at that place no good repentance but it be in public? God does non necessitate my name nailed upon the church! God sees my name ; God knows how black my wickednesss are! ? ( 142 ) . When Danforth would non give up the statement with Proctor to subscribe the confession, he asked, ? Then explicate to me, Mr. Proctor, why will you non allow me have it? ? ( 143 ) , Proctor answered, ? Because it is my name # 8230 ; Because I prevarication and mark myself to lies! # 8230 ; I have given you my psyche ; go forth me my name! ? ( 143 ) . Danforth so explained to Proctor, if the confession was a prevarication, he would non accept it. Proctor, with his chest heave and his eyes gazing, he tore the confession and crumpled it up, while he wept in rage. Danforth so ordered for him to be hung? high over the town? ( 143 ) . John Proctor showed bravery for his friends and household and by making it, helped set an terminal to the unjust tribunals of Salem. Another good illustration of with a good trade of bravery is Giles Corey. Giles is a 83-year old landholder who is hardy, mettlesome, and ferociously independent. He? s unenlightened and pig-headed, but at the same clip, warm-hearted and undismayed. He reveals himself to be a great adult male of amazing bravery and will when he would non reply? aye or nay to his indictment? ( 135 ) . When Elizabeth Pr octor was stating her hubby, John, about it, she explained, ? great rocks they lay upon his thorax until he plead aye or nay. They say he give them two words. ? More weight? , he says. And died. ? ( 135 ) . Giles Corey? s married woman, Martha, and all of his friends, had already been convicted of witchery, so he had likely decided that he had nil to populate for. Giles meekly protested the nonreversible tribunals by giving himself as an illustration to his friends to remain strong and to non give up in what they believed is incorrect. John Proctor could hold easy used Giles Corey as an illustration, because Proctor learned of Giles? decease before he had to do his determination of squealing or being executed. The following brave individual in The Crucible is Reverend John Hale. Reverend Hale is the church authorization on demonology. He is summoned to Salem to happen out if Reverend Parris? girl Betty, who is enduring from an unexplained unwellness, has been hexed by witchery. Reverend Hale is proud of his scholarly expertness, and is glad to come to Salem to give his professional input on the state of affairs. He displayed Acts of the Apostless of bravery when he got highly frustrated about how unfair and pathetic Danforth and the tests were, so he stood up and shout, ? I denounce these proceedings, I quit this tribunal! ? ( 120 ) . Reverend Hale so comes back subsequently to assist those convicted by seeking to carry them to squeal and populate, instead than be hanged. By making this, Reverend Hale shows great moral bravery. He gives up everything he has worked for in his demonology calling by traveling against the tribunal, and seeking to persuade guiltless people to squeal because he feels dreadfully responsible for conveying the craze to Salem. Reverend Hale is one of the greatest illustrations of moral bravery because he puts his repute on the line to seek to salvage guiltless peoples? lives. These three great work forces held on to courage during a clip where it would have been easy to take the smooth route out. Alternatively, they did what they knew was right. With all of these illustrations in head, one can come to the point that they had strong and definite bravery. They were willing to do a base for what they thought was incorrect, even if it meant giving up life or repute. These illustrations make today? s people think about, if they could stand up for what they think is unfair or incorrect, and in some cases put their life on the line for it.