Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Roizen Case Study - 1582 Words

1. When her fiancà © tragically died while she was attending Standford University, Heidi Roizen realized that her life had begun to revolve around his (McGinn Tempest 2010). Abandoning the structure of a closed clique network (Class Slides) with her fiancà © as the hub, Roizen began developing her own networks, to regain power over her relationships and her personal trajectory. Roizen engaged her existing networks of friends (which she had likely developed through the Proximity Principle for network building) to obtain a contact for a desired job of newsletter editor at Tandem (Class Slides). Further, she landed the job thanks to the Self-Similarity Principle (Class Slides), by hitting it off with the manager in charge of hiring.†¦show more content†¦Heidi Roizen developed her networks through a number of techniques, including those used to influence, which are outlined below: †¢ Likeability (Cialdini 2001) – Roizen portrayed a â€Å"genuine, down-to-earth personality†, was also noted to maximize short conversations with memorable ideas, and gave her undivided attention to audiences, reporters, anyone she considered talented (McGinn Tempest 2010) †¢ Reciprocity (Cialdini 2001) – by assisting with recruiting, in particular during her days as a Mentor Capitalist, and by providing access to influential people in the software industry (PfefferShow MoreRelatedHeidi Roizen Case Study1172 Words   |  5 PagesBilly Ka KEung Chan2011970509PMBA6028 – Business Networking | | Case Study 1 – Heidi Roizen Heidi Roizen began her career working for Tandem computers as an editor of the company newsletter. Her first real exposure to the benefits of professional networking occurred when she applied for the position. Her friend in the company had the contact of the woman in charge of the hiring process and with Heidi’s out-going personality decided to phone the contact on a Saturday expecting to get her voicemailRead MoreHeidi Roizen1217 Words   |  5 Pagessoftware entrepreneur we can safely say that much of her network building occurred over meals, during receptions and at conferences. Roizen has built an extensive network in Silicon Valley in her career and the â€Å"who’s who† of the valley are in her network. She is the epitome of the key forms of networking: professional, personal and social networking. In many cases these networks have been built using the shared principle that forge a stronger bond than causal personal connections3. 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Studies show that gluten intolerance for the healthy person is 1 in 33, and people with immediate relatives like parents, children, and siblings who are celiac is 1 in 22; those with relatives like aunts, uncles, and cousins who are celiac is 1 in 39 (Stohs). In 2011, it was stated that, â€Å"1% of Americans have been diagnosed with celiac disease, yet some people show no symptoms; statistics show that only 5% to 10% of cases are diagnosed† (Jaret). Celiac diseaseRead MoreSummary : Anaesthetic Management Of Primary Hyperparathyroidism With Hypercalcaemia And Multiple Bone Fractures For Excision Of Parathyroid Adenoma1391 Words   |  6 Pagesto facilitate smooth recovery and to prevent post-operative shivering. Close monitoring of ECG and neuromuscular function was done. Vigilant monitoring was done to detect possible postoperative complications, including hypocalcaemia. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

Biography of Dwight David Eisenhower Essay - 4593 Words

Biography of Dwight David Eisenhower On October 14, 1890, Mrs. Ida Elizabeth Eisenhower gave birth to her third son, Dwight David. He was a younger brother to Arthur B. and Edgar A. Eisenhower. Dwight was born in Denison, Texas, where his family was living at the time. After his father’s general store went out of business in Abilene, Kansas, they were forced to move to Texas, where Mr. David Eisenhower landed a forty-dollar a month job at a small railroad there. Back in Abilene, a new creamery plant was built and an old friend of Mr. Eisenhower asked him to move back and work for him. It did not pay much more than his job in Texas, but the chance of advancement was better. In the spring of 1891, the Eisenhower family boarded a†¦show more content†¦Ike was always full of courage. Most people believed that he got it from his mother. In eighth grade, Ike demonstrated this courage in a great way. On his way home from school, Ike fell and scratched his knee. It was a tiny cut and he thought nothing of it. However, over the next two days, blood poisoning set in and from the knee down swelled up, and turned black. The doctors then drew a black line right above his kneecap and insisted that they amputate, or Ike would die. Ike said that he would rather die than live as a cripple. His parents left the decision up to him. For the next two weeks, the swelling spread. When the pain became unbearable and Ike knew he was about to pass out, he called his brothers to his side and made them promise not to let the doctors amputate. Over the next few nights, Ike’s brothers stood guard at the door. As Ike’s leg grew blacker and swelled bigger, with a smelly pus oozing from the cut, doctors decided that it would be murder not to amputate, but Ike stood his ground. The next day, the swelling started to go down and the fever dropped, too. His recovery was slow, but complete. As a boy, Ike had a horrible temper and was very stubborn. In high school, Ike acquired an outlet for his energies. He became one of the town’s top athletes, excelling as an outfielder in baseball and a tackle in football. He even organized and became president of the Abilene High School Athletic Association. TheShow MoreRelatedDwight Eisenhower s First President Of The United States Of America1198 Words   |  5 PagesHistory, 2nd Period Topic: Dwight Eisenhower Central High School Mrs. Quarles November 21, 2014 â€Æ' Dwight Eisenhower was the thirty-fourth president of the United States of America. He was born in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890 to David Jacob Eisenhower and Ida Elizabeth Stover Eisenhower (Eisenhower, 2014). His parents’ had seven sons and he was the third of the seven sons. The family lived near railroad track in a tiny house in Denison, Texas, all the while his father David cleaned train enginesRead MoreDwight D. Eisenhower: The 34th American President Essay721 Words   |  3 PagesDwight D. Eisenhower was the 34th president of The United States, with his vice president Richard Nixon. Dwight D. Eisenhower was elected into office on January 20, 1953 until January 20, 1961. Dwight D. Eisenhower was a republican president; He was also a five-star general in the United States Army during World War II and served as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. Dwight D. Eisenhower was born in Texas on October 14, 1890; he was raised in Abilene, Kansas, being the 3rd o f 7 otherRead MoreEisenhower vs. Truman1687 Words   |  7 PagesEisenhower vs Truman IN THE COLD WAR Life, Policies and Accomplishments Life, Policies and Accomplishments American History LIFE Harry S. Truman was born on May 8, 1884 in Lamar, Missouri. His parents were John Anderson Truman and Martha Ellen Young Truman. He also grew up in a poor family. He only had one brother and one sister. Since he was young, he liked history, government and reading. He went to school but when he was at college he decided to stop attending to it becauseRead MoreRealist Viewpoint of World War II Essay882 Words   |  4 Pagesused was that the destruction of the two cities minimize the United States military casualties that would had been produce by war battles. At that time General Eisenhower expressed his dreading opinion of the devastating decision, the Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson though the strategy move was necessary to win against Japan. Eisenhower thought the contrary, he even tried to go speak with President Truman and his advisors to change their mind, however his recommendation was ignored. Why would aRead MorePresident Dwight D. Eisenhower2547 Words   |  11 PagesPre sident Dwight D. Eisenhower, the beloved and protective father figure of post-World War II, is perhaps most revered for his competence, and whose leadership as a Commander-In-Chief kept a nation safe during an unsettling period of the Cold War. He is highly regarded as one of our country’s greatest military leaders; however, he is considered a good, but not a great president. ‘Great presidents’ inherently ‘possess’ a visionary leadership role; that is they know the direction in which they wantRead MoreThe War Of The Vietnam War3899 Words   |  16 Pagespaper will include several sources from mainly historical monographs, journal articles, biographies, and autobiographies. The United States government started to become more involved in Vietnam when the Eisenhower administration â€Å"authorized covert operations against the North, while in the South, the United States took over the French role in military training and nation building.† President Dwight D. Eisenhower was careful not to become directly involved in Vietnam. This was due to France’s lossRead MoreGrammar: Figures of Speech5410 Words   |  22 Pagesthemselves. For example, prose can be divided into fiction (novels and short stories) or nonfiction (essays, biographies, autobiographies, etc). Poetry can be divided into lyric, dramatic, narrative, epic, etc. Drama can be divided into tragedy, comedy, melodrama, farce, etc. ON the AP language exam, expect the majority of the passages to be from the following genres: autobiography, biography, diaries, criticism, essays, and journalistic, political, scientific, and nature writing. Homily (hom-uh-lee)-Read MoreBoyer Dbq Teacher Guide10764 Words   |  44 Pagestopics related to this DBQ are on the Advanced Placement U.S. History home page at apcentral.collegeboard.com. They are: â€Å"Why Tea? The Global Story of the American Revolution,† by Marc Aronson, and â€Å"The Declaration of Independence in World Context,† by David Armitage. Notes on Documents: A—John Locke—A statement of the social contract theory of government. Students may point out that the structure of the Declaration of Independence as the idea of a broken contract has a philosophical basis. B—Adams onRead MoreMasculinity in the Philippines12625 Words   |  51 Pagesthe future defense secretary, noted in the 1932 yearbook that the Corps had faced difficulties in breaking in the new cadets, but made sure that troublesome plebes receive sundry other polite attentions (Peralta 1932, 358). Peraltas yearbook biography, published two years later when he was cadet colonel, revealed the meaning of this euphemism. One year after the Colonel sprouted in the University campus, he commenced hazing the plebes and beasts with unrelenting inhumanity. He is still at itRead MoreWalt Disney Case16863 Words   |  68 Pages9-701-035 REV: JULY 25, 2001 D MICHAEL G. RUKSTAD DAVID COLLIS O The Walt Disney Company: The Entertainment King I only hope that we never lose sight of one thing—that it was all started by a mouse. —Walt Disney The Walt Disney Company’s rebirth under Michael Eisner was widely considered to be one of the th great turnaround stories of the late 20 century. When Eisner arrived in 1984, Disney was languishing and had narrowly avoided takeover and dismemberment. By the end of 2000, however

Saturday, December 14, 2019

The 13th Amendment Free Essays

Devan Laney Amendment 13 is the one that has made big impact on me. I don’t know where I would be if slavery were not abolished. I may be a slave or just horribly discriminated against because of the Civil Right Movement not taking place. We will write a custom essay sample on The 13th Amendment or any similar topic only for you Order Now Without this Amendment major accomplishment would have never happened. Just think Martin Luther King Jr. may have never happened or Obama may have never become president. Other things important to history because of it was The barrier an American sports all the Great African American Athletes brought in to shite sport leagues like Jackie Robinson, Jesse Owens etc. I believe people would be angrier and a lot less tolerant then how they are today. I think back then eventually African Americans eventually would become more violent in the plantations and eventually the hatred for us would have been extreme. I don’t know that I could be as strong as them and endure the hatred they encountered. This Amendment made the United States better because the more time had went on with people closer to being considered equal the United states became more unified. An example of that is interracial relationships it still isn’t completely accepted but it is more tolerated then say in the 1950’s. I believe only good came out of this Amendment getting passed. I am so thankful that the Amendment was passed for me and my ancestors my race has come so far since then. They fought so hard for the freedom I have today and I hope that in the next generation we can do are part in furthering the battle of racism. The Constitution today is the still the backbone of our country. Without it the U. S. would be a less organized country. I believe we wouldn’t be a developed country and very weak to a lot of countries. I wouldn’t be able to imagine us if we didn’t have the constitution or what type of rights would be in place instead of the Amendments. The Constitutions makes us one of the mega powers in the world because of the power each and every citizen holds in either their own life or in the Unites States future. How to cite The 13th Amendment, Essay examples

Friday, December 6, 2019

Film Critique Ballplayer Pelotero Essay Example For Students

Film Critique Ballplayer: Pelotero Essay The film, Ballplayer: Pelotero, was an informative view of the lives of two young Dominican boys who dream of someday signing a huge contract and playing for a major league baseball franchise. Dominican boys start playing baseball at a very early age and love to play the game, but they are under enormous pressure to be great. The pressure comes from the Dominican Government, the Buscones, MLB, and even from family members, as well as themselves. The two young boys who are from the Dominican Republic come from very poor families. Growing up, these boys ate, slept, and lived baseball, hoping that a MLB franchise will give them a chance to play baseball for them in the United States. Only a handful of players ever make it to the tryouts, which happens every year on July 2, but only for the players that show great talent for the game. The boys worked very hard to be the best so that they will get a MLB contract. This would mean that the boy’s families would no longer be poor and move out of their impoverished areas. The Dominican players who are fortunate enough to make it to the major leagues are the sole support for their impoverished families, so the pressure for the boys to be the best is huge. Buscones, which are trainers or agents, look for young Dominican players to recruit as early as 11 or 12 years old. These Buscones look for young boys who have talent and the potential to be great. According to Sean Gregory, author of Baseball Dreams: Striking Out in the Dominican Republic, the Dominican Republic is baseballs puppy mill. Gregory says, â€Å"The Buscones develop and sometimes feed and house these teenage players, with the intent of selling them to the highest bidder. † This would mean that if a major league franchise signs a young player to a contract, the Buscones would stand to make a large percentage of the boys’ signing bonuses. The more talented the player is, the bigger the signing bonus, which in turn makes the Buscones more money. Buscones are not â€Å"in it† for love of the game or for the young players. Buscones are only â€Å"in it† for the money. The Dominican government stands to gain public recognition for the young players who sign major league contracts. If a player from the Dominican Republic has a stupendous career in baseball, there is a lot of publicity about where the player is from and how he got to the major leagues. This, in turn, looks good for the Dominican Government for having the MLB training academies where the player or players were trained. All 30 major league franchises have training academies in the Dominican. The conditions that of some of the players are forced to live with at these academies are deplorable. â€Å"Some resembled prisons and most of them were horrible, says Charles Farrell, who was part of a group directed by MLB to study these facilities. We found bugs in the rooms, cheese sandwiches for dinner. The Dominican Government is only concerned with the positive outcomes of the training academies and how the academies were able to train such exemplary players. The government is not concerned with what the young players had to go through to become great ball players, as long as it looks good for the Dom inican Republic. The two Dominican players were trying to achieve their dreams of signing contracts to play for the MLB. The two players were looking forward to July 2, which is when they would be eligible to sign with a major league franchise, as long as they were sixteen years old. .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 , .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .postImageUrl , .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 , .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53:hover , .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53:visited , .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53:active { border:0!important; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53:active , .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53 .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u8d3ef2896a785b18800f6794ffbc2d53:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Oskar Schindler in Schindler’s List Essay PaperControversy surrounds one of the players, who, some suspect, is being untruthful about his age. The player is 6’1† and sixteen years of age, and some believe that because of his height, he is being dishonest about his age. He has undergone a considerable amount of scrutiny about his age, and because of the ongoing investigation, the all-important July 2 deadline to sign a contract has come and gone. The film ends with the teenage player waiting to find out his fate and whether or not the suspicions about his age will be cleared and he can fulfill his dreams of signing a major league contract. His future han gs in the balance.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Sex Education The Lack Of Religious Influence Essays -

Sex Education: The Lack Of Religious Influence Sex. Just reading or saying the word demands attention. Sex is the one of the most important things in our species. Humans rely on sex for reproduction, affection, and pleasure. The surprising thing is about sex is the amount of responsibility and consequences involved. The largest part in the responsibility aspect is the decision of when to have sex. One of the greatest issues for a lot of people and politicians is sexual activity by teenagers. Yet through my research I believe society has lost focus on a more important issue in sexual relations. Our society has seemed to over look the moral responsibility of sex. Whether it is a religious or family based sense of morality, sex is an issue for more than just teens. I do not know of any religion that condones sex before marriage, at any age. It seems that morals of all kinds look down on premarital sex, yet it is one of the greatest epidemics that plagues modern society. Teenagers are definitely a great concern when speaking of premarital sex. I would like to believe that societys concern for these teens is out of a moral and religious attitude. Yet politicians as well as society seem to care more about the problems after the fact, like health and welfare costs. Ten percent of all 15 to 19 year-old females become pregnant each year. More than 80 percent of pregnant girls under age 17 who give birth and keep their babies end up on welfare, costing society a staggering $21 billion a year. Three million new cases of STDs among teens are reported each year. Every 10 seconds a teenage becomes sexually active for the first time. All the concern over pregnancy and STDs doesnt seem to be deterring sexual activity. With out a focus on religious or moral responsibility teens will not be discouraged. I mean 55% of students surveyed had sexual intercourse with another student during their high school years. Forty-six percent of those used no form of contraceptio n. Every 26 seconds a baby is born to an unmarried mother. Seventy-three percent of all teens say that the reason they engage in sex is due to the social pressure. Social pressure! By the age of 13, 43% of churched teens had experienced sexual intercourse and 65% of the youth had engaged in fondling breasts and/or sexual intercourse. But if they cannot control themselves, they should marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion. [I Corinthians 7:9]. Seems to be that our teens do not know or care about there religious responsibilities. Again the main focus is to help prevent teens from becoming a burden to themselves, their possible children, and society. What about the LORD? Who is going to teach the unselfish thinking of the religious responsibility to wait for marriage? No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it. [I Corinthians 10:12-13] Premarital sex will always be a part of societys issues, but with proper influences beyond the physical aspects (i.e. pregnancy, STDs) we might be able to create a healthy discussion about it. I recently took a survey, asking four simple questions in regards to peoples opinions about premarital sex and religious influence. I was surprised at a lot of the responses. My four questions were: 1. What is the value of sex in a relationship, married or not? I asked this question because I wanted to know how people viewed the act of sex. I was curious as to whether people believed that sex was just a physical act of intimacy or a deeply personal form of communication. The responses were various but seem to portray three things. One was that sex is just as it is said, sex. Another was that sex represented closeness between two people. Last was that sex is a special bond for married people. 2. Is it ok to have sex before marriage? I thought this was

Monday, November 25, 2019

One Super Sized America Burger, To Go †English Essay (100 Level Course)

One Super Sized America Burger, To Go – English Essay (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers One Super Sized America Burger, To Go English Essay (100 Level Course) Even though there are concerns about obesity and its effects on health, the American people have never been fatter. Due to low cost of high fat foods and low wages that help in our decision to eat unhealthy the United States has become one of the chunkiest nations. In today’s society being obese also helps one to become an outcast, some people ridicule, tease, and ostracize those who are considered obese. Also in our society today there is an ideal image, that image is of a thin, healthy, fit person. That image is projected on billboards, TV commercials and in movies. Obesity has become a growing epidemic due to the low cost of high fat foods, lack of time and places to exercise, and the fast easy diets that fail to produce results. Never before has fast food been so cheap and so fast. Fast food restaurants are popping up everywhere. Fast food joints are in malls, schools, along the highway and just down the block from your home. And never before have Americans been so fat. Obesity has become a major outbreak and a major health problem. Due to these three factors, cheap high fat foods, lack of exercise and diets that don’t work obesity has become an American epidemic. But it is something we have to live with in today’s society. First of all high fat foods have never been so easy to make and so easy to sell. They are cheap and you get a lot for your money. Meijer just ran an ad for its store in town, the ad at the top of the page was, 10 for $10 and the 11th one is free (on select items). You can bet that the deal did not include any produce of fresh foods. The 10 for $10 deal included Little Debbie’s, Lays Stax Potato Chips and 2 liters of 7-up pop. Those items that were included in the 10 for 10 deals are some of the unhealthiest foods around; they did include some healthy food choices like juice and carrots. The majority of items in the ad were for prepackaged foods that were high in fat. A big deciding factor in the products we buy is cost; we want the most for our money. As a result of the low cost and high content of the packages they are one of the biggest hits in a grocery store, but they are helping to cause people to over eat and become obese. One way to beat obesity is to stay fit and healthy, people need to exercise and do some physical activity. As Americans we are constantly working the day away, we often leave little or no time to eat healthy. Exercising consumes much of our time out of the day and to some people it can become a hassle. There are those who work all day, so when they want to go to the gym it’s closed. Children in schools are not getting the proper amount of exercise to burn off their calorie in take for the day. In the documentary Super Size Me by Morgan Spurlock, he points out that only one state in the United States demands physical education for grades K-12 and it’s also the fattest state, Illinois. The fact that children are not shown how to exercise and what to eat is a major problem it shows that what they do in that physical education class is not helping. Those children need to learn why it’s a good idea to stay healthy and to eat right. Instead of exercising people are trying to take the easy way out by going on a diet. They want to lose the pounds fast and with as little effort as possible. That’s where gastric bypass surgery comes in; it’s an operation where the size of your stomach is changed from the size of a wine bottle to that of a shot glass (Newman 48). It alters the size of the stomach so the person who has the surgery cannot eat as much, thus causing them to lose at least two-thirds their excess weight in the year following the operation (Newman 48). The operation is a last ditch effort to lose the pounds, it is more expensive then a member ship at a gym. Research Papers on One Super Sized America Burger, To Go - English Essay (100 Level Course)Genetic EngineeringThe Effects of Illegal ImmigrationMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This Nice19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraTwilight of the UAWIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalResearch Process Part OneStandardized TestingPETSTEL analysis of India

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Plan for auto company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Plan for auto company - Essay Example Competition is expected from other companies that will come up with other means of fighting the environmental pollution that is brought about by motor vehicles releasing toxic gasses into the environment. Competition is also expected from other industrial players who will start producing products that are similar to Pollution Solution’s Emission Filter. With the introduction of the company’s product in the market, competitors will start producing similar goods (Calantone, 2004). The company has a competitive edge because it is the pioneering company that has come up with a product that will play an important role in ensuring that emissions from the motor vehicles has been impacting the environment negatively. The organization projects rigorous marketing so that the target population becomes aware of the existence of the product. The company will use both print and electronic media to reach out to the target population. The target population is of people who would visit motor vehicle dealerships and spares shops and hence, some media will be used in these areas to reach out to the target population. The emission filter will be made available to the target population through good pricing. However, distributors will be used to distribute the product. Large scale distributors will be given a credit policy where they can buy large amounts of the product and distributes for them to pay back later. The individual customer however cannot access the credit facilitie s (Calantone, 2004). The organization has a well developed team that is working towards ensuring that the product is a success in the market. This means that the organization has put in place a marketing team that will ensure that the organization is successful in the short term and long term objectives. The marketing team will be headed by professional marketers who will ensure that they use the right

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Irish Pub in rome Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Irish Pub in rome - Case Study Example Another essential step in the process would be identifying potential suppliers of refurbishing materials as well as bar and kitchen supplies, so that the bar can be well stocked up before it opens. Cost assumptions would need to be made on the basis of estimations about the prices of materials available from suppliers. The last stage of the project would involve the promotional activities associated with setting up the Irish bar in Rome and based upon the list of activities as identified above, the Work break down structure has been derived below: At the outset, the scope of the project needs to be defined. This is to be followed up by a plan of action whereby three steps must be executed at the same time, namely (a) liaising with authorities to procure the necessary licenses (b) determining the team members to form a part of the core team and (c) finding out the local suppliers of building materials and supplies. Each of these tasks links to related tasks, as shown in the WBS chart below: The Work breakdown structures are used to make complex projects more manageable by breaking them down into work segments that can be more effectively estimated in terms of costs and time frames and also supervised effectively (www.brighthub.com). The WBS has the advantage of listing out all the tasks that need to be completed in connection with the project and arranging them in a framework that allows the facility of viewing the entire project in an encapsulated form , wherein each sequence contains a list of tasks that fall into that particular category. The objective of this project is to set up an Irish bar in Rome, which not only offers food and drinks but also provides music and entertainment. The proposal seeks to develop this pub within premises that will be leased or purchased; however in either case, it would be necessary to make some structural and design changes in order to transform it

Monday, November 18, 2019

The cooling off period Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The cooling off period - Assignment Example The subsequent paragraphs will explore and define each category into details with an aim of distinguishing them from one another, Mass murderers refer to individuals who kill four or more people in one location at a particular time. It could be a few minutes or last several days but the location remains the same. Most of this type of killers do end up committing suicide or are killed by the police. Mass murders are influenced by several factors. Mass killing can result when the killers choose a specific target which they think is causing them stress and therefore execute killings to satisfy their ego. It could also take another form where the killers attack targets that have no connection with them but belongs to groups the killer dislikes. It has also been observed that most mass killings are motivated by the existence of some hatred between assailants and their victims which is provoked by a specific event that sparks the killings. Spree murderers or killers on the other hand refer to those who kill two or more victims in more than one location in a fairly rapid succession. Spree killings tend to be rare and the spree killing teams consist of a submissive lover and a dominant leader. The occurrence of their murders in separate locations is considered a single event because it lacks a cooling off period. Mass and spree murderer are actually rare but it is believed that strict gun controls may help prevent some incidences of the would-be spree or mass killings. But this measure is unlikely to control serial killing. Serial killer or murderer refers to a person who has killed three or more persons, the murders have taken place in three or more separate locations at different times and has been involved or engaged in an emotional cooling off period between the murders. It is estimated that serial killing alone has contributed to 20% of the murders in the United States. Four subtypes of serial

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Personal Plan Proposal | Leadership

Personal Plan Proposal | Leadership Personal development plan for a leadership would be to recognize areas for further development and encourage lifelong learning. It acts as a process of empowerment, self-assessment mentoring, continued renewal, role modeling, positive attributes, networking, and improvement on weaknesses. The proposed plan process describes how leader should lead by having the above mentioned skills to lead affectively. and support to help staff develop their capabilities. I would reinvent as nurse leader who is innovative by possessing the following abilities such as; self-assessment, empowerment, mentor, continued renewal, role modeling, positive attributes, networking and improvement on weaknesses (Bleich Kasiak, 2007). By having these trades will assist in support the staff to develop their capabilities and gain to be an efficient leader. I have never thought of myself as leader but I have been told that I possess the skills. The thought of being a leader sometimes alarms me because of all the stress, headache, which I have heard and seen managers or leaders complaining about their job is never ending. But to be a great leader one must develop these characteristics to lead others which are the followings; Empowerment, delegate and encourage staff members to take responsibility. Mentor, give staff advice, guide, train, coach. Role model, set positive example for others to follow, give advice to develop leadership. Net working, is to maintain a positive relationship with other managers or staff. Self-assessment, of the self as a leader which will help measure the progress overtime. Continued renewal, consider the concerns of staff members and patient care. Positive attribute, as a leader one must possess an important element which is compassion. Improve on weakness, such as time management, multitask (ex. I sometimes pick up where others leave off. Picking up the slack in the workplace). Show how a weakness can be turned into strength. I am happy to be a nurse and l like the way people responds to me when I tell them I am a nurse. Nurse empowerment as both individually and as a profession can be achieved. The fact that nursing has traditionally been thought of as a profession for only women but that has changed more men are nurses now than before (OGrady Mallock, 2003). The nursing profession has changed dramatically. There are so many opportunities for nurses now then before they can be political workers, publicists, journalists, speakers, researchers (Fitzgerald, T., 2000). Weve expanded into so many different avenues. Since I became a nurse has helped me to have the vital critical thinking and decision making skills in doing my patient cares. Studies have been done at national level in recent years have asked nurses what factors supported to their job satisfaction. In general the most important factors reviewed were research on each of the following factors contributed to job satisfaction are the, productivity, burnout, turnover rates, and, empowerment (Fletcher, 2001). Power is demonstrated as much by the attitude that one project as it is by the tasks that one perform. Some self analysis may be in order in terms of the attitude and image that you portray. It is import to act in professional manner but it is also important to look professional. Even dirty shoes and long acrylic nails can give the impression to others that we dont take ourselves very seriously in the regard. Power sometimes comes from others so it may be helpful to make connections. The truth is that sometimes who you know rather than what you know is important. Use the grapevine may or may not be accurate, so also do some investigation on your own. Make these connections for positive reasons and in a careful manner, such as to assist in your professional growth, rather than to win power or take power from someone else. Avoid confrontation, as it rarely helps anyone. Power without respect is hollow. We dont need to see o urselves as victims. We complain to each other about how bad our jobs are and how nursing is not what we thought it would e. It doesnt have to be that way. We can increase our involvement in our workplace whenever possible. We can continue to observe our environment, gather information and contribute whatever we c can to make improvements. We can be a visible presence in the workplace, networking with others and asking questions. We can continue to practice professional ways to communicate our thoughts and needs, but recognize when using power may not be in our best interests or may increase hostility. We owe it to those who will come after us in the nursing profession as well as to ourselves to make an effort to change the degree of authority and power that we have. We can do it? Self awareness is stated as knowing ones internal states, preference resources and intuitions. This is being conscious and being able to connect to our feelings and actions. By accepting and understanding our thoughts and interpretation processes, one will have a clearer picture of what we want to achieve. And this will undoubtedly help in making wise and sound decisions in a personal or professional relationship. Interview: FF is the nurse manager of renal clinic at hospital. She is an R.N. whose leadership position is unique because she also created the program she is in charge of. F.F. had a vision and used her leadership skills to see that vision become a reality. The renal clinic began because there was a need. One of the qualities in an effective leader is the ability to recognize a need and take action to make that need met. F.F. started her nursing career after graduating from west state university by working in various areas and units. While working in these capacities one Dr A.B. approached her on several occasions about the need to have a renal clinic for diabetic patients. These patients population was not being served locally. F.F. would agree with him saying yes, it would be nice to have a renal clinic, and that would be it. Then in that time F.F. needed to care for a sick family member. At the same time the hospital needed a manager and F.F. was filling in as an interim for the inpatient d epartment. This position had a very demanding schedule that included weekends, being on call, and rotating shifts. And the hospital was not recruiting for a manager and what was supposed to be an interim position now did not have a foreseeable end. With a sick family member at home, F.F. needed more flexibility in her work schedule. This was the turning point that spurned F.F. to take action to meet the needs that were before her. The answer to F.F. personal dilemma took the shape of creating a renal clinic. F.F. could see that working in this specialty would give her the family friendly schedule she desired. She took the initiative in making the renal clinic a reality. As it is mentioned in the article of Quantum leadership that those who are not born leaders can acquire the necessary skills, (OGrandy Mallock, 2003). I believe anyone can be a leader by motivation and applying the self to become a leader. As a leader I would like to have a vision of greater good and initiate actions to achieve that vision. In making decisions to attain goals, as a leader I would create change and make that change a past history. In a nurse leadership often times they use personal traits to be beneficially and ethically which will influence others through a process where clinical and organization outcomes are achieved through joint efforts. As a nurse leader I would unite in building a relationship to empower staff or others that would led toward achievement. I like all the other elements of a nurse leader I dont have a less preference. As a follower I would want a leader that has direction that can be trusted, have a vision and hope for the department or organization. The most valuable asset of a leader is honesty and trust. I want a leader that is honest with both his or her staff and the management. Another element that a leader must have is integrity. Once a leader compromises his or her integrity it is lost. That maybe the reason integrity is considered the most admirable trait. Leadership qualities are different for different position but one must be thinking for future scope of improvement, quality and quantity of in conducting business. The ideal leader must have a vision beyond what is here today know where the business is headed and be able to use that vision to move the department forward. I would help my peers to become better by being a great leader that my peers can look up to and depend on. As, a leader I need the ability to lead because there is a certain quality to manage a problem if my followers cant face the problems on their own. This leadership quality is extremely important because if the leaders do not possess some special ability, then there wont be anything that will distinguish him/her from his/her followers. As a leader I would motivate my team mates for good work and maintain healthy environment. And make my first priority is safety for the workers and see that they are not exploited by superiors. These are some of the many ways that I can lead and have followers. Reference Bleich Kasiak, 2007 Fitzgerald, T., (2000), Nurse appeal profession tries new tactics to woo next generation of nurses, posted date January 13, 2000. Retreived on November 13, 2009 from http://www.nurseweek.com/features/00-01/attract.html Ketle, J. L., RN. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction in the Registered Nurse, University of North Carolina, charlotte, NC. Retreived on Novermber 23, 2009 from http://juns.nursing.arizona.edu/articles/Fall%202002/Kettle.htm#Abstract OGrady, P. Mallack, 2003. Quantum Leadership 2003, article for this course. Bradberry Greaves, 2003 Francis, F., RN. (2009). Indian Health Service Hospital/ACL, Personal interview in October 28, 2009. Fletcher, C. E. (2001, June). Hospital RNs job satisfactions and dissatisfactions. Journal of Nursing Administration, 31(6), 324-31.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Relationships and Love in Frosts, Wind and Window Flower Essay

Relationships and Love in Frost's, Wind and Window Flower In "Wind and Window Flower" Frost explores a love too fragile for the lovers to pursue. The lovers in this poem are enticed by one another but remain worlds apart. This tale of love is one of temptation, excitement, and disappointment. The window flower is an image of beauty and warmth. The flower is protected from the outside world and is safe inside the warm, firelit house, as is the woman. In contrast, the image of the winter breeze is cold, fierce, and impersonal. The man knows little of the things of love. The unknown is the attraction between the lovers, it is strong, and in the end will prove superficial. The wind took notice of the flower as she becomes unveiled through the frosty window. The woman's beauty is the attraction which leads the man to her. At this point little is known of her. He is unsure of how to respond to her so he passes by, only to return later. This represents his fear of the unknown, and possibly that of commitment. The man is a stranger to the ways of love. This is see...

Monday, November 11, 2019

10 Interpretation of Jose Rizal’s Poem Essay

1. Mi Ultimo Adios He adores the beautiful country that he and others are fighting for. He wants his fellowmen to pray for others who also have died and suffered for the country. In the last part of Mi Ultimo Adios, he said â€Å"In Death there is rest!† which means that he, being ready to be executed, is happy to die in peace. 2. Himno Al Trabajo He states that the Lipeà ±os will always be willing to work hard for the country. The men encourage others to farm. The wives, are taking care of the household chores and educating their children. The children yearn for the adults to teach them on how to work productively. 3. Awit ni Maria Clara In this poem it expresses the love for the native land. The experience of living in one’s own country to the comforts felt from a mother’s presence. 4. Sa aking mga kabata This poem tries to awaken the Filipino Youth, to love our country and respect people. It also tells the significant role of the youth for the betterment of the country. 5. Our Mother Tongue This poem talks about love and taking pride of one’s own language to acquire a sense of freedom and identity. 6. My Retreat He describes the surroundings of his place of exile in Dapitan. He reminisce his past, and he mention his desire returning home. 7. To the Virgin Mary It tells the gratitude for whatever we have is a powerful prayer or calling. 8. Kundiman This poem shows a person’s love for his country and delivers a message of hope to his countrymen. 9. Education Gives Luster to Motherland He describes that education makes a country more beautiful. He mentions that it is a Christian education that always endures. 10. Goodbye to Leonor He wrote this poem as a goodbye, to Leonor Rivera for his departure to Europe.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War essays

The United States, the Soviet Union, and the Cold War essays The end of World War Two left Europe divided. As soon as the war was over, old alliances were quickly forgotten, yet tensions still remained. The biggest tension, however, was between the Soviet Union and the United States. The conflict between these two nations was that of Communism versus "freedom", whether it be through Democracy, Nationalism, or Capitalism. Many events took place over a period of roughly forty years that were examples of Soviet communism and the United States attempt to crush it. This time period was termed the "Cold War" although it was not really a war, but merely a competition between to political powers in an attempt to be the best in the world. Some people consider the Cold War to have been a friendly war because, despite cold feelings and rivalry, there wasn't a massive battle and bloodshed. This is not true because, during the ongoing competition between the two world powers, battles against Communism were fought with raging war, and tensions were h igh. The first example of heated tensions during the Cold War was in Korea. In 1949, the United States and the Soviet Union had troops in Korea. The Soviets supplied Northern Korea with tanks, planes and money in an attempt to spread their Communist ideals. America, on the other hand, supported Nationalist South Korea. When North Korea crossed the 38th parallel to invade South Korea the United States was quick to come to the aid of the south. The United States president at the time, Truman, stood firmly by his Truman Doctrine, and saw defending South Korea as an act in the crusade against Communism. Fighting raged for months, each side taking turns at forcing the enemy's lines farther and farther back, and gaining new allies and opposition. China, frustrated on their own border encroachment, fought alongside North Korea, and the UN came to the support of the Nationalists. Finally, after three years of fighting, treaties were signed and the borders ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Electoral College in Todays World essays

Electoral College in Todays World essays Electoral College in Todays World On November 7th, 2000, registered citizens of United States voted. I believed that my vote would make a great difference as to who would be president. Later that evening the news slowly displayed the progress of each state as all of the votes were tallied. There was much confusion as I watched. I didnt know that the president and vice president were elected by a non-direct, nation-wide vote. What was the purpose of the electoral vote? Did my vote even make a difference? I needed to better understand exactly how we elect the president and vice president. What is the Electoral College? I learned that every four years you vote. When you vote, each individual vote helps decide which candidate receives your states electoral votes. The electors elect the president and vice president by casting electoral votes for the presidential candidate who carries their state. Each states allotment of electors is equal to the number of house members to which its entitled plus two senators. Essentially the Electoral College system is a method of indirectly selecting the President of the United States. It is part of the elite theory of making sure that direct voters did not select a poor candidate for President, if direct election split the vote and a poor candidate was elected by popular vote. The founders of the nation devised the Electoral College system as part of their plan to share power between the States and the national government. The founders of the nation devised the Electoral College system as stated in article 2 of the Constitution. This system allows the sharing of power between states and government in an organized manner. Each state shall appoint [...] a number of electors, equal to the whole number of senators and representatives to which the state may be entitled in the congress. But no Senator or Representative, or person holding an of...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Leading Educational Change Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Leading Educational Change - Research Paper Example Current paper examines the role of leadership in the planning and application of an educational plan especially when this one refers to a change that needs to be implemented in a particular educational site. For this reason, the University of Salford has been selected in order to be used as an example of the above interaction and influence in the area of education at all levels (the reference to an institute of higher education is just indicative). The above University has been chosen because of its extended plan of development and continuous change as it has been designed and applied throughout its operation. On the other hand, the analysis of the changes proposed and applied to the particular departments of the above institute will prove its suitability for current study. As of the structure of the study, this has been organized as follows: Chapter 1 presents current literature review regarding the interaction between leadership and educational change whereas Chapter 2 includes the most significant change and development plans as applied in the chosen educational site (University of Salford). Furthermore, Chapter 3 involves in the influence of literature on the educational strategy of University of Salford as it can be observed when comparing the existing plans of the institution with the views of the researchers as developed in the literature review Chapter. The personal recommendations follow Chapter 3 including certain assumptions regarding the material that has analyzed throughout the paper.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Competing Value Framework Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Competing Value Framework - Research Paper Example Similarly, other tools like Managerial Behavioral Instrument and Organizational Culture Assessment Instrument gives a concrete path to analyze the organization’s position and defines where it should have to be, and assists in rearranging the business from entire the culture of the organization to individual level (Yu & Wu, 2009). Discussion Confucius defined his techniques which are also known as The Great Learning regarding development of great nation is that one must focus and incline toward his state; to build the a great nation; you need to incline towards your family initially, and to develop a great family; first you need to nurture yourself; for nurturing oneself; one needs to dictate towards learning (Blocker & Starling, 2001). These techniques were written in 5th century B.C. for aspiring leaders and it is accepted until today and accredited. Therefore, if someone wants its organization to compete effectively globally, then the relevant and appropriate culture for the organization is needed to execute effective strategies. Therefore, we need to consider ourselves before entering into this type of transformation effectively. It is a fact that the Competing Values Framework is an essential and effective tool to use which assists in determining culture not only at the individual level but also at an organizational level. It also assists in developing the path for change in organizational culture that is important for strategies going to be implemented (Cameron, 2006). Common models of leadership have divided this popular area of leadership among different comparing categories. There are various examples regarding the comparison of leadership from the literature of leadership, for instance, task theory versus socio-emotional; Theory X versus Theory Y; transactional leadership versus transformational leadership; and participative leadership versus autocratic leadership (Van & Suino, 2012). It is also found that these theories cannot be used in larger comparison and there is no other such work that compares large mixtures to examine or analyze towards defining the required leaders' behavior and to what extent it is required in leaders (Hart & Quinn, 1993). It is also to mention here that these traditional models just make us think over such leadership and it shows limits of these models which further leads to inefficiency in defining the leadership effectively (Bensimon et al., 1989). However, Robert Quinn was among those who were in an argument of saying that leadership effectiveness needs simultaneous and balancing mastery of likely paradoxical or contradictory abilities; reflectiveness and decisiveness; incremental adjustments and bold moves; and people orientation as well as performance (Hart & Quinn, 1993). It is to mention here that Quinn’s model is based on CVF for analysis of organizations. Initially, it was developed from a research that was conducted for identifying the factors of effective organizations. Quinn and Rohrbaugh in 1983 identified two main dimensions essential for the effectiveness of organization based on their statistical outcomes. The first dimension refers to a focus on the organization, from focusing internally on the individual’s development and well-being in the organization towards an external or outside focus on organization’s development and well-being.  

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Sourcing - Assignmet Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Strategic Sourcing - Assignmet - Case Study Example A quality analyst should have a high level of training and have exceptional analytical abilities along with broad knowledge. He should also be creative and be a quick learner in order to solve problems easily. The quality analyst is always supposed to work with other people as an analysis of the process of production entails an analysis of the people involved along with the technology. The applicant should demonstrate that he has an ability to cooperate and interrelate with other employees efficiently. Â  This question aims to understand whether the candidate has the necessary skills that are needed to report and make effective presentations that associated with the position through oral or written communication. The candidate should be able to demonstrate that he can make effective presentations of problems and proposed means of dealing with them. He should also show that he can freely interact with the rest of the employees and clients with exceptional oral and written skills The candidate should broadly explain how he would be able to efficiently use his skills and experience if he is selected for the job. He should demonstrate his motivation, abilities to deal with challenges and be flexible in handling challenging situations. The ideal candidate should possess a bachelor’s degree in quality control a related field so that he can demonstrate competency with essential skills that provide a wide range of knowledge for success as a professional. The candidate should be able to demonstrate that he possesses exceptional analytical skills that are needed to perform the tasks associated with the position efficiently. He must also show an ability to rely on his skills in the various responsibilities associated with the position. The ideal candidate should be one that is willing to learn from his mistakes and one who regularly seeks to get more knowledge on his field through seminars and workshops as well as other forms

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Culture and Globalization Essay Example for Free

Culture and Globalization Essay INTRODUCTION Identity is a question that may be expressed by an anxiety and a hope at the same time. The anxiety lies in the sense of the existence of our Moroccan identity in all its dimensions, Arabo-berber, Muslim negro-African and modern. It also lies in our existence in the world in different parts of the planet where we have decided, voluntarily or not, to assert our existence; a planet that has become a finished space, a global village, surrounded by all kinds of flows, economic, human, electronic, and cultural, which are aspects of globalization; a globalization that could not only be a kind of interdependence among the national spaces which existence is still alive but also an internal phenomenon in these spaces. The advantages and disadvantages of this multiform process can diverge from one partisan to another. Some see in it the chance of a new world and others see in it the risk of an incomparable oppression. The problem of the Arabo Islamic identity or Arab identity occupies the front of the scene. The Islamic world has never been so active in the sense of the expression of identity, maybe because of the more and more enigmatic character of this identity because as Dryush Shayagan reminds, more than the ethnic and the religious identities, we find a third one in addition that emerges from modernity. He adds that the three identities fit one into the other, create more and more complex fields of interference, and exploit territories that remain most of the time incompatible with each other. He goes on declaring that today, these identical cultures are situated between the â€Å"not yet† and the â€Å"never ever†: not yet modern and never ever traditional. These identities that live henceforth, in â€Å"between the two† are totally burst according to Dryush.[1] At first glance, this triple identity raises obstacles to communication, but on the condition of succeeding in fitting out their respective spaces, it offers on the other hand, new possibilities of communication. The assertion of a reactive and massive Arabian Islamic identity was the adequate answer to the colonial dominion. Today, however, the reflection has to fit and adapt itself to the requirements of a situation namely, globalization, that orders that identity becomes seen as open, diverse and it has to be attentive to pluralism in the internal as well as the external places. We can think that the new network of information and communication will favour the emergence of new forms of citizenship susceptible to fill the current democratic deficit. Media permanently present information in the different parts of the world. With the means of information which the internet network prefigures today, the individual can have a more active role in the search for information. One can also contact a multitude of people of different nationalities, discuss problems of public interest, and express his/her opinions in public forums. GLOBALIZATION, CULTURE, AND THE MOROCCAN IDENTITY It is crucial to see globalization from an academic point of view as there is a strong link bounding globalization and culture. The global culture belongs to what Simon During calls â€Å"transnationalization.†[2] This latter is the process by which cultural products extend their actual space to emerge in a global area. Cultural studies are a kind of reaction to this process. Going deeper in this perspective, we come across many points that may link globalization to culture if we consider that culture is a local issue that may be influenced by the global market, the global sight, or may itself influence the global sphere if it is considered as a tradition or a way of life. Culture, from another view, maybe considered as the basis of the construction of one’s identity but once influences by globalization, the identity may change and we may adopt some practices and beliefs that may be no more appropriate to the local culture. Education is another point where globalization and culture meet. Students nowaydays, are no more interested by some issues tackling family or social events, but rather opt to get aware of the global economic and capitalistic changes that the actual world witnesses. Culture is a part of our identity. If we change culture, we change our identity. Stewart Hall argues that in a changing history, identity should remain the same though it is far from being the case of the modern world we’re living in and where identities are in a permanent process of change and transformation and this is the result of globalization. Always according to Hall, the construction of identity is made by the sight of the other. In other words, the negative view on the other makes of our identity a positive one. The process of constructing identity then is based on opposition. If the sight of the other makes of us who we really are, we are then no more free to chose according to our own tastes but rather chose according to others’ reactions[3]. This may seem ambiguous in a sense and annoying in another. How can globalization affect our own sense of belonging? Belonging to a particular nation and adopting a specific culture is not a matter of choice, it is because we belong to a certain ethnic group that has its own tradition, culture and religion. Once we find ourselves involved in a pre-created world, the acceptance becomes an automatic reaction, but when our sense of belonging to a cultural space or another becomes guided by the global pressures, our identity gets hurt and our mind fragmented and confused between what is ours and what is theirs (what is local and what is global). â€Å"The global popular† is the means of communication that occupies an important place in the projection of visual images to spread information (TV, satellite, internet†¦). If I insist on citing the global popular as one of the links between globalization and culture, it is because I judge it of a high importance and necessity to remind the idea that Simon During came with and which expresses the impossibility to separate the global popular from the global culture. He kept arguing that the reason was not only that both of them belong to a single globalizing system but also because the relation between various forms of cultural products are changing and transacting.[4] Similarly, Arjun Appadurai cited in his essay â€Å"Modernity at Large† one of the most important means of the circulating forms which is the â€Å"mediascape†. Like the global popular, mediascapes allow any information to become local through all kinds of the modern media. By this way the local culture may be adopted by different societies and consequently be global.[5] GLOBALIZATION AND MEDIA Today globalization arouses number of controversies. The term by itself condenses anxieties: it evokes, quite at the same time, the shrinkage of the planet bound to technological innovations and the massive impact of the triumphant capitalism that imposes its extreme dominance. Appadurai approaches, in a frontal way, the question of globalization. He put in the centre of his analysis the notion of flows. For him, what defines the contemporary world is much more circulation than structures and stable organizations. The proof is quite clear when we see people constantly moving from one place to another and the extraordinary development of mass communication with images transited throughout the planet. Until then, the individual lived and conceived himself in certain limits. From a simple geopolitical point of view, the nation state was considered as a stable referent: within it, the dimension of the local used to have a great importance conferring to each individual in a given society their privileged points of anchoring. In this context, the identical constructions occur in a permanent game of opposition between the self and the other, between the inside and the outside. But migrations on the one hand, and the media flows on the other hand, disrupted the spreading order until then. What interests Appadurai is the way this situation not only alters the material life of people but also tends to give an incomparable role to imagination. This does not mean that previously societies have not abundantly, neither in their mythological, literary nor artistic productions, appealed to this faculty. Henceforth, imagination is no more limited in some specific domains of expression, but it changes the daily practices, notably the migratory situations where migrants find themselves obliged to create in their exile a world of them by using all the images that media allow them to receive.[6] The technological progress: Internet The cable and internet offer multiple means to reconstitute communities including migrants and those who stayed in their countries. When we come across globalization of communication we inevitably think of internet. Internet is considered to be the symbol of and at the same time, a vehicle for the development of the future mediatic landscape. As a polymorphic tool spread everywhere, internet is actually inescapable in the study of the actual communication processes. If we consider internet as a media, we automatically notice that it is a quite particular one. Among modern mass media, internet is characterized by a potentially or at least virtually wide broadcasting. It is one of the facets of the internet ideology: everybody can have access to messages, everywhere and so to speak with no constraints, and at the same time, internet presents specific characteristics that make of it an exceptional media. Unlike press or radio-television that necessitate material and financial means, licenses, and a diffusion and distribution network, by internet everything is easier. Everybody can be a transmitter and everybody is potentially provider of contents but not everybody can create his/her own television station contrary to internet by which each one –or almost– can create a web site with only an online computer. All this is almost free more than the accommodating of private individuals that is also, more or less, free. If we consider internet as a media, it is then the time in the history of mass communication when each citizen and each association has the ability to play in the same ground as that of the wide mediatic groups or the big companies. Yve Thiran states that from this point of view, internet is a means of communication par excellence and it is not surprising that the excluded traditional media were the first to use it.[7] What seems to be new in the case of internet is not really the fact that it facilitates the emergence of multiple forms of sites and more or less alternative means of information, but rather the fact that the local structuralizations have voluntarily or not, reached the world as a whole. The neighbouring radio station’s diffusion is limited in the neighbourhood, while the expression on the Net may give the impression to address the whole planet. A neighbouring radio station, once installed in the web, can be heard by the whole world. Contrary to the press of radio-television, internet still looks for its place in the media landscape[8] grouping sites together, contents, services and very (too) diverse possibilities to aspire to a real unit of speech (but it is not probably the purpose of internet neither), in a social gratitude other than the connotations that can be socially planed on the new technologies of information and communication in general. In other words, as we find everything on internet, it is still its strict technical dimension that allows an observer to apprehend it, to seize it mentally and conceptually and to succeed in defining it differently. What is internet then? It is a media, a commercial space, a means of information, a shop window, and a place for exchange and expression; that is to say, so many activities where the interlocutors position themselves differently. The telephone is not a newspaper; nevertheless, internet can be at the same time a telephone and a newspaper, an advertisement hoarding and a room of debate. CONCLUSION Born Jamaican, the English cultural theorist Stuart Hall argued that identity must be understood in terms of politics of localization, of location and statement –not as a process of discovery of lost roots but as the construction of a new or emergent shape of ourselves, linked at the same time to the actual social relations and to the contemporary power relations–. While most of us clearly wish to respect most of the aspects of our tradition and history, Hall suggests that we also need, for speaking, to understand languages which we were not taught. We need to understand and revalue the traditions and inheritances of cultural expressions in a new and creative way as the context in which they are produced evolves constantly.[9] [1] Shayagan Dryush,  « La Lumià ¨re vient de l’Occident,  » Paris : l’Aube, 2001, Entretiens du XXI Sià ¨cle,  « Oà ¹ Vont les Valeurs,  » UNESCO, Abbin Michel, Paris, 2004. [2] Simon During,  « Postcolonialism and Globalization,  » Culture, Globalization and the World System, ed., Anthony King, Dinghamton, 1991. [3] Stuart Hall,  « Old and New Identities, Old and New Ethnicities,  » Culture, Globalization and the World System, Current Debates in Art History 3, State of New York: Bihghamton, 1991, pp. 41-68. [4] Arif Dirlik,  « The Local in the Global,  » Global/Local: Cultural Production and the Transnational Imaginary, eds., Rob Wilson and William Dissanayake, Durham: Duke UP, 1996. [5] Arjun Appadurai,  « Modernity at Large,  » Cultural Dimensions of Globalization, Public Worlds, Vol. 1, London: University of Minnesota Press, 1996. [6] Arjun Appadurai, Aprà ¨s le Colonialisme, Paris : Payot, 2001. [7] Yve Thiran, Sexes, Monsenges et Internet, Bruxelles : Castells-Labor, Coll.  « quartier Libre,  » 2000, p. 42. [8] Yve Thiran shows that the internet needs traditional media such as television to be able to claim the impact that it had notably during the Clinton-Lewinsky affaire. (Thiran, p. 43) [9] Stuart Hall,  « Old and New Identities, Old and New Ethnicities,  » Culture, Globalization and the World System, Current Debates in Art History 3, State of New York: Bihghamton, 1991, pp. 41-68.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Confucianism Vs Taoism Politics Philosophy Essay

Confucianism Vs Taoism Politics Philosophy Essay Government has such an important impact on societal issues and duties. The United States was constructed from a written constitution thus the formation of our federal government establishment. I look at the constitution as our means for living in a well established society. Many individuals have different beliefs in how a society should be run. Take a look at the ancient Chinese philosophies of Confucianism and Taoism. Each has a different set of standards in their philosophy of life. It is difficult to understand the ethics and politics of Confucianism and Taoism without understanding its philosophy. What if the United States were to take on one of these philosophies? I believe Confucianism would be more widely accepted in our society. We are a nation based more on the concerns dealing with rule and work which is relevant for Confucianisms essence of a structured civilization. The official doctrine in China by the second century B.C.E. was Confucianism. Confucius taught much about political inconstancy as he endured through the downfall of the Zhou dynasty. He had begun teaching at twenty-three years old and we get insightful information about some of his teachings through The Analects. Much of his writing is centered on issues the world with the focal points on family, politics, and modern humanity. Many ideals can be reach as being disciplined leading to virtuous accordance and communal efficiency. The Master said, He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger. (1595) The first sentence is the true core of knowledge. To fully understand what you have learned, it must be applied thus you are acquiring information. One who does not think may act on impulse. Thinking before you act can lead to gratifying decisions. In a government you need a leader that can focus on a problem and figure out all possible choices that will be beneficial to the society. After the decision is made then it is necessary to take action. We need these ideals for the foundation of a good leader and the individuals as well. If someone just acts on impulse or does nothing, problems will arise either way. If you cannot be evaluating a certain thought, then nothing is gained in retrospect. Our Masters Way is simply this: Loyalty, consideration. (1596) Confucius wanted to convey moral principles to establish a structured society. You yourself desire rank and standing; then help others to get rank and standing. You want to turn your own merits to account; then help others to turn theirs to account- in fact, the ability to take ones own feelings as a guide- that is the sort of thing that lies in direction of Goodness. (1596) A strong leader should be able to take care of his people. In return the people will abide by the rules which will result in a well developed society. Never do to others what you would not like them to do to you. (1597) If we commence this morale rule than it would make sense for people to get along cohesively. No one is ever beneath you so selfishness should be nonexistent. The Master said, A country of a thousand war-chariots cannot be administered unless the ruler attends strictly to business, punctually observes his promises, is economical in expenditure, shows affection towards his subjects in general. (1600) The Master said, Govern the people by regulations, keep order among them by chastisements, and they will flee from you, and lose all self-respect. Govern them by mental force, keep order among them by ritual, and they will keep their self-respect and come to you of their own accord. (1601) A set of laws are instituted and should be followed, but the means of ethics would be followed if they saw their leader to be commendable. There would be an understanding for the governing embodiment concerning stability of virtue between individual and ruler. At the same time the ruler must be applying the example of good virtue. You will get the same respect back in return. Laozi wrote a collection of poems entitled, Dao De Jing. The ideology of Laozi was polar opposite of what we saw from Confucius. Lao Tzu illustrates the meaning of life through Dao which literally means the way. It is based on the individual to move connectively in the eternal flow of life that define the basis of Taoism. Taoism is believed that everything happens naturally in the world, thus human behavior is in correspondence of its nature. The way to improve morality is doing nothing so that nothing is forced. Additionally it is about reaching beyond the sector of the traditional society. A true follower will not be attached to the power and politics of ordinary societal standards. Give up learning and put an end to your troubles. (1607) Hence I know that value of nonaction. Teaching without words and work without doing Are understood by very few. (1609) The farther you go, the less you know. Thus the sage knows without traveling; He sees without looking; He works without doing. (1610) Laozi says that inaction is the way to live in a state of natural harmonious bliss. The Dao states that no one should be conformed to society because we are just free spirits in the universe. We are not tied down to standard living and all expectations should be thrown away. You learn from your sense of self by the force of Yin and Yang. Yin and Yang is the approach of two of something forming to coherence. It is more important To see the simplicity, To realize ones true nature, To cast off selfishness And temper desire. (1607) Laozi wants society to give up materialistic possessions. We are endlessly learning and building upon expectations. The expectations are from our society which creates distress hiding from the greater good of humanity. The American Dream is the success of power and money which many of us chase after. Americans would never be able to give up material possessions. Going with the flow isnt always the best way to lead your life. At some point there will be important decisions that will alter your journey in life. Taoism wants you to sit back and relax, but inactivity can lead to destruction. It is hard to picture a leader in society to just go with the flow in directing his country. Productivity is vital to success. If a war breaks out we need to act quickly for the sake of protecting our people and our future endeavors. Americans are too selfish for Taoism because we have the conception of want embedded in our brain. I think in the sense of traditional American values and being in line with the American Dream, Confucianism would be the more popular philosophy. Â  It stresses themes of dedication to ones duty in life, dedication to ones family, social responsibility, and almost Christian-like themes of helping others and benevolence. Many Americans can learn from the Confucianism philosophy. The ideas we are given from The Analects are structural enough for the foundation of political authority in establishing a society. On the contrary I do believe Taoism offers a counterbalance to the political ideals of Confucianism. Sometimes we get too involved with power which sometimes can lead to destruction when you are not looking out for the people. At the same time Confucianism has a means of higher authority through a set of moral principles. Furthermore our country needs a set of laws that everyone is subject to. Without order chaos will break out with pure insanity. No society will ever be perfect, but we can always be willing to improve our standards of living a better life.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Comparing George Orwell’s 1984 and Our World Today Essay -- airstrip on

George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984, set in Airstrip One, originally named Great Britain, is a fictional story that describes a time where England is overruled by English Socialism. The story’s point of view is through the main character, Winston Smith, who is an intelligent member of the middle class. The audience is walked through the later stages of his life, where his intellectual thought is most prominent. Throughout the book, Winston goes through everyday life, as well as visits many places that are described in great detail. Every place he goes has varying effects on him and other individuals surrounding him. The place that has them most effect on Winston is his home in the Victory Mansions, which ironically, are just apartments. This particular space affects how he walks, talks, and even thinks. Fortunately, in comparison to our world today, we don’t have to be as precautious about our every move. In Winston’s home, there is a â€Å"telescreen†, which is actually in every resident’s home. This device is embedded with a surveillance camera that watches every move made, and can hear every sound made. This is how â€Å"Big Brother† (BB) is always watching, and if someone does something that BB doesn’t approve of, they have the ability to arrest and completely erase their existence. Winston has to be careful in his own home and can’t make any sudden movements that may attract negative attention. Therefore Winston is very delicate in his movements just so he can avoid any trouble. In a particular scene, all the citizens had to participate in morning exercises, while the instructor watched from the screen. All of a sudden, â€Å"Smith! 6079 Smith W! Yes, you! Bend lower please! You can do better than that. You’re not trying. Lowe... ...hough we have the freedom of speech, we should still be wary of how we say or write things to avoid any unnecessary trouble. In conclusion, Winston’s home made him a very cautious and careful person, who felt the need to sneak to do anything. This is a very scary feeling to have in one’s own home, because a home is normally where someone has the right to relax, sit back, and enjoy their freedom. In Winston’s situation, it is the complete opposite circumstance; he is nervous, peace less, and has feelings of entrapment, except for the little area that provides him with some form of liberation. Luckily this isn’t the circumstance for our society and hopefully it will never be the circumstance. We gratefully have been granted amendments that give us many rights to live and thrive freely amongst the world. Works Cited http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Orwell/1984

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

An Analysis of Hammurabi’s Code of Law Essay

An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind†. This was said by Gandhi many years after the fall of the Babylonian empire. Judging by the laws of the Babylonian people, there was no insightful Mahatma Gandhi to spread his thoughts on equality and forgiveness. Though they were an advanced and organized society, the Babylonians were also extremely strict, almost cruel, when it came to law making. Revenge, faith in the gods’ sense of justice, and inequality all made up a portion of the eight foot tall stone tablet that we now know as Hammurabi’s Code of Law (Horne). Hammurabi’s reign lasted from 1795 until 1750 BC (Horne). Up until Hammurabi took control, there had been no ruler to publicly establish an entire set of laws. Written in order to regulate the organization of the Babylonian society, this code, consisting of two hundred laws, begins and ends by addressing the gods. Revenge played a large role in the laws, as it was seen as the only way to truly be compensated. Almost all of the laws lack a true explanation; they were simply accepted as fair justice by the people. However, one law in particular does have a reason behind it. â€Å"If an accused man claims to be innocent, he will be thrown into the river. If the man drowns, he is proven to be guilty. However, if he makes it to the opposite bank safely, the accused man is indeed innocent (Hammurabi).† This law gives us an important insight into the lives of ancient Babylonian society. Obviously, the people had a strong sense of faith in their gods. By tossing the man into the raging river, the people are putting the accused man’s life into the hands of the gods. If the man was guilty and lying, the gods would see that tribute was paid to them, as well as to the village, in the form of death. However, if the accused was indeed innocent, the Babylonians would allow the man to safely leave the river, hence living. Not so unlike our court systems (with which you must swear on a bible before testifying), the Babylonian people had strong religious convictions that were reflected in their code of laws. Another aspect reflected in Hammurabi’s Code of Laws was the belief in revenge. To the ancient Babylonians, revenge wasn’t seen as revenge: it was seen as fair and just compensation for a committed crime. To Hammurabi’s  people, â€Å"an eye for an eye† was not just a say: it was a way of life. â€Å"If he break another man’s bone, his bone shall be broken (Hammurabi).† The same was true for putting out another man’s eye, knocking out someone’s teeth, and many other bodily injuries between two man (or woman) or the same class. Though these laws seem cruel and inhuman, they were meant to keep crime and violence at a minimum. Getting your arm hacked off was probably much more intimidating than a prison sentence to the people of Babylonia, hence the laws successfully fulfilled their duties the majority of the time. Though the laws were more often than not effective, they were by no means fair. Women were dignified and treated as equals, but all social classes were not. Ancient Babylonia had a hierarchy consisting of three main social classes: the amelu, high ranking, rich court officials, patricians, and kings, the muskinu, landless and poor, though free, and the ardu, who were the lowest class (Johns). The ardu could marry and hold property, but nonetheless they were low-ranking slaves. The laws clearly reflected these social classes. Punishments were not the same for different social classes, even if the same crime was committed. For example, if a free-born man strike the body of another free-born man or equal rank, he shall pay one gold mina. However, if a slave were to strike the body of a freed man, his ear shall be cut off. Even though the exact same crime was committed, the slave would get a harsher punishment than the free, higher-ranking man. Even in ancient Babylonia, power and money seem to have the same value as they do in the present day. Not every aspect of the Babylonian culture was perfect. The social classes were strictly divided and people were treated as fairly as their birth allowed them to be. Vengefulness was accepted and expected, as was the belief in owning slaves. However, the Babylonians, under Hammurabi’s reign, were also a very admirable culture. Women were treated as equals: they were dignified, respected, and allowed to own land and property. The most important, positive aspect of the Babylonians was certainly Hammurabi’s Code of Law. As an unchangeable, fairly indestructible written code, it not only influenced other cultures (such as the Syro-Roman and Mahommedan) later in history, but it also gave us a first hand account of what life was like in a  culture that was lost so many centuries ago. BIBLIOGRAPHY â€Å"The Code of Hammurabi† by Richard Hineshttp://www.wsu.edu/~dee/MESO/CODE.HTMBryant, Tamera (2005). The Life & Times of Hammurabi. Bear: Mitchell Lane Publishers. Mieroop, Marc (2004). King Hammurabi of Babylon: a Biography. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Coming of Age in Samoa essays

Coming of Age in Samoa essays Margaret Mead went to Samoa for nine months to study the differences between American culture and other societies. Through her studies, she concluded that Samoan life was not filled with as much stress due to the down play of sex and marriage. In the book Coming of Age in Samoa, she shares her experiences which act as evidence that the causes of adolescent stress is a result of our culture. The Samoan culture is more accepting of the idea of premarital sex, which reduces the societal pressures after the phase of puberty. The similarities between Samoan and American culture begin during childhood. In both cultures, this time is important in learning basic skills that will be needed in life. In Samoa, the stress is put heavily upon the older siblings to teach the younger children these skills. Mead observed, Just as a child is getting old enough so that its willfulness is becoming unbearable, a younger one is saddled upon it, and the whole process is repeated again, each child being disciplined and socialized through the responsibility for a still younger one. (Mead 1928:19). The young girls will be trusted as baby tenders around the age of six or seven until they are old enough to begin work on the plantations. During this period, the girls are at the beck and call of their elders and the children they watch. Mead wrote, These haunt them from morning until night.....It may be said with some justice that the worst period of their lives is over. (Mead 1928: 21). However, the boys will be reli eved of the younger children around the ages of eight and nine because they can help the older boys with their work. Much like in the American culture, children are often given the responsibility to look after their younger siblings and to teach them skills that they will need. When I was young, I remember spending hours playing school in my basement with my younger sister, while my parents relaxed upstairs. ...